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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Is There Such Thing As Healing Pain?

Life Lessons 101, lesson #2: Is there such thing as healing pain? Breakups suck! The pain of separation has been likened to experiencing a living death by some. Your heart aches, you’re sick to your stomach, you can't eat or sleep, and your mind is constantly preoccupied with your perceived loss. You’re weary and you can't let go. The pain you've experienced in that toxic relationship now pales in comparison to the pain of healing.

But, that's just it, one is a damaging pain and the other is the pain of the healing process. The one pain (if you stay locked in the connection) will only continue to tear you down, fill you with self-doubt, and drive you to a dark place with little rationale. Whereas, the other pain is cleansing, clarifying, restorative, and strengthening you for the release of the chains holding you captive to a situation that has far out lived its expiration date. Pain is the brain's way of signaling to the rest of the biological system that something is wrong and requires your attention. It is necessary to endure a little pain during any healing process however, this pain is significantly different than hurt that you've felt while being mistreated, disrespected, abused, and neglected to the point of not having your needs met. This pain will result in your delivery and ultimate restoration if you can get through the process to realize the healthy properties in the decision you've made to release the relationship.

Bear in mind, all things pass away and time truly does bring about a change with effort and action. You will survive this heartbreak just as you have those in the past. The secret is to trust the process, pray, refocus your thoughts and energies on the positives, while believing God for true emotional freedom from what hurt you. It can be done! However, running back to the source of your pain for fear of the healing hurt will only delay your progression to feeling whole again; the choice is yours. You are worthy of a love that will love you in return and treat you in the manner of which you deserve.  Get out of your own way and experience the abundance of life that came only come with the reciprocity of true love! Love out loud! ~ Tay (L.I.F.E with Purpose)