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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Best Piece of Advice #6

Trust the Process!!

This one is simple and one of my favorites! Trusting the process means accepting that whatever you're currently going through will ultimately help to equip you with the necessary skills, abilities, lessons, knowledge, strength, motivation, drive, commitment, staying power, and faith you need to finish your quest. Learning to see things in a positive manner can support your continued strive for that which you seek even when an obstacle lands in your way. Change your mind and you change your outcome.

By trusting the process, you begin to view things in a completely different light; road blocks no longer detour nor hinder you yet, become stepping stones towards your eventual success! Remember, do not become so caught up in crossing the finish line you forget the benefits of the race itself. Trust the process. Good journey!!


Anonymous said...

Love this!Reminds me of Fredrick Douglas's quote: "where there's no struggle, there's no progress! "

Tay Robson said...
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Tay Robson said...

Thanks! I firmly believe Fredrick Douglas was correct in saying "Where there is no struggle, there is no progress!" The process is where all the hard work is done and the finished product is the result!! Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. I appreciate it! I hope you'll continue to follow me on my journey as well? Good journey!