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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Best Piece of Advice #2

DO NOT be a spectator in your own life!! 

So many times, people sit on the sideline and watch as life passes them by then spend the rest of it trying to figure out where their lives went. Get in the game!!
If you're spending alot of time trying to figure out what your life's purpose is try doing something YOU'VE NEVER DONE BEFORE!!
If you're interested in working with kids yet never had the opportunity to do so, try volunteering with an organization that services children for starters to see how well you manage. It gives you a chance to try something out for free while gaining free knowledge, skills, and abilities in the process. This is the case for most potential future ventures. Most career fields have volunteer opportunities you just have to give them a jingle to get information on the process. 
Want to design clothes . . . go to your local fabric store (JoAnne Fabrics) and sign up for a sewing class to see if you'll like it!  It is very inexpensive to take a class and discover your hidden talents!
Little step helps to complete the journey!! Don't try to do it all in one day, chunk it down to bite size pieces you can swallow and before you know it; you've eaten a whole meal!!
Don't stand by and let life ceate you!! Get in the game and create the life you want to lead now!!  


PardonMyPhresh82 said...

Very well said.. Life really does offer more than many ppl actually realize. There's nothing to it but to do it!! The average time that we spend on hand doing nothing but "wishing" we could do more.. could easily be transferred into energy towards actually doing it!

Tay Robson said...

Most definitely! By putting your best foot (or the foot that supports you) forward and trying something new you are more likely to be successful and one step closer to accomplishing your goal!! Thanks for the comment!! Keep'em coming!!