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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Best Piece of Advice #14

"Never Make Someone A Priority When to Them You Are Only An Option!!"

     Here we go again folks; I'm back to share yet another of my shining pearls of wisdom for you to pass on.  Never make someone a priority when to them you are only an option. Let’s begin by breaking down what a priority is, shall we? When something is a priority in our lives that something is given special attention and treated with the utmost care and consideration verses that we may only view as an option (something that may be or is chosen; choice.). Take relationships for an example; often times in relationships there tends to be a giver and a taker.
    A giver is the person who unselfishly gives of themselves in most aspects of the situation many times expecting little in return. A taker is a person who is disconnected from the usual consideration of others and pays little attention to needs outside of their own. In every human being’s life there are needs which we cannot go without having met at any given time; for instance, food, water, shelter, and emotional needs. These things to the majority of us are considered priorities however to some, they are simply options to be attended too or overlooked as that person sees fit.  Nevertheless, we are all guilty of this transgression at some point (being a taker) or another in our lives as option can sometimes be a downfall.
    Sadly for some folks, the moment they are presented with too many options they become carless and the giving isn’t reciprocated as they sometimes tend to think the opportunity to have the prize will come again. If you find yourself in a situation where all the giving is coming from one side (namely YOURS) and there is no reciprocity the chances are your needs are NOT a priority and it’s time to have a conversation or make a much needed choice to address the matter with action. That is why communication is extremely important in every type of relationship. When your needs are communicated or shared in a way which the receiver can understand the chances are they can and will become a priority to that person (if they desire to make them one). Never make someone a priority when to them you are merely an option it only leads to unmet needs and a growing desire for conflict. Finding your inner strength to make yourself a priority is the best way to ensure others will do the same.
    You have to know what your needs and relationship priorities are before you can expect anyone else to meet them. There is no substitution for self-awareness! The more you know about you the better the chances are you’re going to be able to share it with someone else who wants to be a part of your happiness in the end and to make you a priority.  Good journey, until we speak again!! 

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