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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Best Piece of Advice #13

Money Matters When, Your Money Matters!!

Times are hard for everyone as of late; the economy is still out of whack and the recession a very real state of affairs in our society. Making your money stretch and a dollar go farther than the floor board of your car can be mission impossible at times. When it comes to money, I am a money managing wiz!! I believe it to be one of my Gods given gifts, literally! Here are my 8 tips on how to stretch your dollars and still live a full social life at the same time.
Tip #1: PAY ALL OF YOUR MONTHLY BILLS 1st! Before doing anything else, if you have a job which allows you to pay your priority bills (water, car insurance, electric bill, life insurance, cell phone, etc.) do it!! Paying these bills first permits you to get them out of the way and the rest of the money can become "play" money. Never assume you can pay it later, its best to get priority bills taken care of on or before the due date. This tends to build credit and can sometimes grant you grace in the future if ever you're late paying later on down the line. Always take care of your needs before you indulge in your wants. This way when you go to spend money on hair, nails, clothes, or social outings, etc., you know home is in order because you already took care of the big stuff!!
Tip #2: By All Means Save A Dollar!! Even the smallest budget when examined has potential for saving. If you’re only able to put away $10 to $20 a pay check, DO IT!! You'll be surprised how quickly it’ll add up! Think about it, how often do you go out blow $10 or $20 and can't remember where you spent it? If you're like me, it can happen a lot! Instead of wasting money which you may need for a rainy day; save it to buy an umbrella that rainy day instead? You'll find your savings adds up fast and you’ve saved some serious cash before long.
Tip #3: ANYTHING ON SALE IS WORTH HAVING!! I love a sale! It’s the perfect opportunity to stretch those short dollars to more than just gum. If you're a shopaholic such as me, you know our eyes can be our worst enemies?! We tend to go to a store and want the first thing we see which appeals to us in our mind's eye. Instead of shopping off the rack, head for the clearance racks first. A lot of times you will see something hanging in the window for full price however, if you head over to the clearance spot you may find its cousin hanging around for much less!! I say, NEVER PAY full price for something when you can pay less and use your imagination at the same time. Be creative. The clearance rack is a great opportunity to get more for your money. You may not only find what you’re looking for, for cheap you may have the money left over to get into an event to show it off later!!
Tip #4: ANYTHING DOLLAR TREE!!  Dollar stores are a God send in these financially binding times. A dollar can sometimes be stretched as far as you need it to be when you respect and use it correctly. I love Dollar Tree! With $1 you can purchase almost anything!! Dollar Tree sells food, hygiene products, baby clothes, car maintenance items, party supplies, seasonal items, back to school and office supplies, household clean supplies, home decorating items, and much, much more!! If you find yourself having to stretch your dollars, head on over to Dollar Tree, you'll get more than you bargained for in the end!!
Tip #5: The More the Merrier: Go out as a group instead of alone, this way thing can be split between the group and all the financial whoa doesn't fall on you! If there are 4 of you the tab can be split 4 ways instead of one which breaks the bank! Not to mention, it gets you out of the house and socializing with friends and meeting new people. You'll save money and have a memory to reflect on in your down time.
Tip #6: Clip, Clip, Clip Coupons: I know it sounds a bit ole fashion however; clipping coupons is still the best way to save money! Not only will this save you money like nobody’s business it will also keep you on top of the changing prices of those things you can't live without! I tell you this is an excellent way to save money and get some of those name brand things you want as well.
Tip #7: My Bad Habits: For those of you with bad habits (of which I by no means support!) such as smoking or casual drinking, buy in bulk!! If you’re a smoker (YUCK!) buy a carton instead of a single pack, you'll find it costs far less throughout the month and leaves you with a little cash left over. Try tallying up what you spend on a pack every time you buy it and compare it against what you would spend and save if you purchase the carton instead. You'll see the benefit to buying in bulk and you'll have more money to add to your savings account as well.
Tip #8: Whew, I Made It!: Working with low income families I’ve learned that most crisis happen within $1000 therefore, this is your initial savings goal. Once you’ve made it to $1000.00 in your savings account, try to maintain it and KEEP GOING!! It’s far better to have more than to have less and it gives you a sense of accomplishment while you watch your money grow. There you have it, my 8 tips to surviving our society’s money matters for a time. If you follow these few simple tips balancing your budget should no longer feel like you’re standing on a high wire in the middle of the circus; but, leave you feeling like the ring leader man in control of all the acts!! Good journey!! 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Best Piece of Advice #12

Just Because You’re Talking, Doesn’t Mean You’re Speaking the Same Language!!

I’m sure it comes of no surprise when I say, communication is key, right? Of course not, we’re given this piece of advice all the time where relationships are concerned. Though common knowledge too many, this can be an ill mastered art for others. What do I mean when I say just because you’re talking it doesn’t mean you’re speaking the same language? I mean just that!! Have you ever sat with someone (a spouse, partner, mate, friend, booty call, etc.) seemingly having the same conversation only to realize when it’s over you have no idea what the two of you were talking about? I’m sure you have.

How does this happen? Easy, at some point the message got jumbled or distorted and though you were speaking English, the other person heard French. In any relationship you have to learn to speak a person’s language in order to effectively communicate your message to that person, which is what brings me to the question; what language is your partner speaking? I read a wonderful book outlining the 5 love languages we all tend to speak in some form or another and why it’s so important to learn your own love language and that of the person you are in relationship with at the time.  According to Gary Chapman’s book ‘The 5 Love Languages’ they are: 1. Words of Affirmation, 2. Quality Time, 3. Receiving Gifts, 4. Acts of Service, and 5. Physical Touch. Each love language is descriptively outlined in this wonderfully written book for married couples however, an excellent tool for single folks as well!

Discovering yours and your partners love language gives you a greater understanding of how that person views and accepts love in a relationship. We can talk to someone all day long, if they can’t understand our message, the language we are speaking in or, the purpose of our communication (conveying love and affection) becomes useless or an argument at worst. Each language has its own very unique set of identifying qualities and wonderful rewards when you can speak them fluently. Though this piece at first glance may sound like a book review it is ONE OF THE BEST PIECES OF ADVICE I HAVE EVER HAD THE PLEASURE TO RECEIVE! Removing communication barriers from any relationship is a definite plus!

Nevertheless, understanding someone’s response to your communication is even better! Check this book out and gain more than just a better way to communicate; furthering the knowledge of who you are and what language you speak in is priceless. Not to mention, understanding your partner better costs far less than paying to learn to speak French. Good journey!! 

Friday, September 9, 2011

Best Piece of Advice #11

Unfortunately, this can be all to true when dealing with others whom have experienced past hurts, betrayals, disappointments, etc. When someone is unwilling to seek help, or unaware they need it; past hurts can seriously impact present and/or future situations and relationships (personal and professional). No doubt, we’ve all experienced hurts throughout our lives in many forms and in different circumstances. Bad relationships of any kind and misuse of our trust have become common place in our society. However, it is those of us which choose to ignore the scars or results of those troubles which most often go on to continue a viscous cycle of hurting others because of it. Being aware of your unhealed emotional, mental, and/or spiritual scars is a crucial step to moving forward and providing the footing for healing. 

If you find yourself dwelling on past troubles, reliving old hurts, mistreating others, struggling to trust, or afraid to take risks based on previous experiences the chances are you’ve not healed from preceding life happenings.  Whether it is intentional or unintentional . . . hurt people, hurt people.  It has become more and more prevalent in society; the results of undiagnosed/untreated pain and its mutilations. Don’t become a part of the problem when the solution is simple . . . self-care.  So how does one obtain self-care? By first recognizing there may be a problem, connecting to a support group of people whom have successfully lived through similar experiences, or reaching out to locate a counselor to discuss emotional or mental concerns, or by bonding with those in whatever your faith system offers in the way of healing.

The goal is to become whole again and end the painful rotation of unhealed sorrows. Taking the time to rebuild oneself through accessing healthy means of expression can only result in the transition from a stuck place to one of unstuck and regaining one’s functionality.  Not to mention, regaining a healthy outlook in emotional/mental areas of your life ultimately can help to end repetitive cycles thus improving one’s life overall. The reality is no one really wants to be the bad guy or the person accused of hurting another human being they care for . . . if you do, that’s quite another kettle of fish in it of itself. 

Living a life filled with joy and purpose doesn’t have to be difficult as long as we are willing to do the hard work of self-improvement on a regular basis. I am aware this can be easier said than done; however, a journey begins with a single step. Why not make yours towards restorative progress and life enhancement . . . shall we? 

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Best Piece of Advice #10

WARNING: Stop Eating Turkey Sandwiches!!

Ladies, this one is for you! Ever gone out on a date with the guy of your dreams and before the dessert course, he's a total nightmare? At what point during the experience do you say "Check please?!" The undying quest to find Mr. Right begins with one step; learning to identify Mr. Wrong! So often we meet guys who tell us up front they are not the "one" only to ignore it in hopes he doesn't know himself as well as he thinks does. INCORRECT! 
The guy telling you he’s not ready to be in a relationship know best and you should heed the warning. If you are looking for a long-term, committed relationship which may ultimately lead to the union of marriage, you have to stop investing your time, efforts and energy into dating jive turkeys. The guy looking for a “good time” is rarely ever looking for a commitment at that moment and knows exactly what he wants. So, how do you avoid wasting your time with Mr. Wrong and spend more valuable time with Mr. Right? By KNOWING WHO YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU WANT!! Before you begin dating you need to become acquainted with yourself. 
Sit down and write out your realistic list of what you're looking for in a mate and what you have to offer a potential partner.  By doing so, you will become familiar with yourself and what needs; you need met by your intended mate. If you are a procrastinator, finding a partner that likes things done promptly, on time and has to motivate you in order to get them done; will be short lived before that person becomes tired of the job. Compatibility is KEY! It is best to have as much commonality with your potential partner as possible in order for you to work towards success!! Never look for someone with traits so far outside of your own the two of you struggle every time you are together.  Folks, if you like lounging on the couch the entire weekend watching TV, ordering dinner in, find a guy that likes laid back weekends as much as you do. 
This way, you know he’s comfortable with the way the two of you spend your leisure time on your days off. If you want someone attentive, affirming, smart, loving, and kind. Dating the guy that is rude, insensitive, and ill-mannered is probably a huge mistake? Know what you want and be firm in it! Next, know your deal breakers. If you don’t want to date a guy which smokes, drinks heavily, is foul mouthed, and likes to party all night long, DON’T!! By bending the rules of what you want you ultimately get what you don’t! 

Truth is, if you never say to someone “I really don’t like that.” What you are saying is “I like you just the way you are.” If you are straight forward and honest with someone the first time, you can avoid the clean up later on down the line. Say what you mean, and mean what you say in order to obtain good results. Furthermore, don’t expect perfection! No one is perfect. YOU ARE NOT PERFECT! 

Let’s try not to be so quick to harp on those petty imperfections your guy might have if overall he’s great! We all have little absurdity which can drive a partner crazy! The objective is to find compatible ones the two of you can live with. And last but not least (and you’ll all hate me for this one!), STOP TALKING TO YOUR SINGLE GIRLFRIENDS ABOUT HOW TO GET A MAN!! 

If she’s ALWAYS available to talk with you about the search for Mr. Right, the chances are her techniques don’t work any better than yours do!! Talk to your friends which have snagged Mr. Wonderful and ask them how they did it. They may have information, methods, or insights you’ve somehow over looked which may be worth investigating. Remember, to be a success you have to see a success? Very true even in the case of dating as well. 

If you follow these few simple practices, you shouldn’t be dating too long either. By making these few easy changes to your dating routine, you will be well on your way to dining with Mr. Right and not sitting across the table from a jive turkey sandwich! Good journey!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Best Piece of Advice #9

What is a Dream to YOU May Be a Nightmare to Someone Else!!

When in hot pursuit of your dreams others negative opinions and feedback can be the car in front of you which is completely stopped at a green light. It has been said, one of the most frustrating things is, to have a big idea and no one to tell you it’s good.
The expectation that EVERYONE is going to love your great idea is a quantum leap to believing all children will eat their asparagus at dinner!! NO ONE loves everything! It is unrealistic to assume your dream will be just as important and exciting to everyone else as it is to you. Bear in mind, others may not share your creative passions or visions however, create anyway. 

The objective is to complete your goal first (staying connected to those which support and motivate you during the process) then share it with everyone else!! If no one loves it as much as you do, that’s okay!! Most dreamers find themselves in dream land alone until the finished product is complete and ready to shine!! Do not become discouraged right out of the gate because someone tells you “I don’t get it?” Find your sustenance, people who support you no matter what your venture and lean on them to keep your ambitions in high gear. The goal is to finish what you start and be happy with the results.

The others will come around once they have seen what you’ve done they’ll appreciate your hard work!! I’m sure there was no great idea celebration thrown for Thomas Edison when folks heard he was working on the light bulb or, Benjamin Franklin when he talked about conducting electricity. Your dream is just that, YOUR dream! Stand behind it and work until its completion; the rest of the world will rally once you’ve discovered the next best thing!! Keep reaching! Good journey!!  

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Best Piece of Advice #8

It’s Called a Breakup Because Its Broken!!

By the time someone tells you this it’s obvious the relationship has been over and you haven't figured it out yet?! Separating from a partner, spouse, or boyfriend/girlfriend is difficult within itself without the pain of putting yourself through the heartache and embarrassment of holding on to something which is no longer holding on to you. A breakup is a loss like anything else which has stages in the healing process.  You are required to grieve, mourn, and ultimately come to terms with what has happened before you can heal. If you hold on to the past relationship (i.e., phone calls, "chance meetings," asking friends to share details regarding the other's life, who their dating, and their whereabouts, etc.) it merely prolongs the healing process! Constantly reaching out to your ex who rejects your every advance will only keep you at stage 1 of healing reopen the wounds every time your attempts to reconnect are rejected.

If you’re hoping to establish a friendship with your ex, then only time and space can determine if it’s attainable or worth it in the end. Remember, the two of you didn’t breakup because things were great, you break up because one of you felt it was necessary to do so. Ever thought a break could be exactly what you need to become reacquainted with yourself? Many times, we tend to lose ourselves in relationships; trading in our identity for the one that best fits with our partner at the time. In most instances, separating from a partner sparks something in you that drive you to change! The objective is to be sure the change is a good one!!

You’re opportunity for self-discovery has revealed itself to you and now, there’s nothing standing in your way. Trust, this too shall pass . . . really. You just have to P.U.S.H, pray until something happens!! You will heal, branch out, and make new connects eventually; you simply have to trust the process. And, if all else fails you can always get a puppy that will love you no matter what, wagging tail and all! 

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Best Piece of Advice #7

In Order to Be A Success, You Have to See A Success!!

Ever wondered how Mr., or Mrs. Successful got that way, ever wished you could ask them how they did it? Well, that's exactly what you should do! On the road to accomplishing any goal it is best to draw from the knowledge, experiences, skills, and know-how of others which have already done some version of what you're trying to do. And, seeing as there is nothing new under the sun, someone has already done EVERYTHING imaginable and left a road map! A “how to” of sorts for virtuously anything out there (i.e., how to start an organization, invent electricity, become a dynamic public speaker, build a house, design a new software, or climb a mountain, etc.) to assist you with a plan to implement your dream and get it right. 

It is important to find a goal model (a person who’s successfully accomplished what you’re trying to and is reaping the harvest of their labor); in most cases efficacious people are more than happy to share the secrets of their success and give a leg up if the need be. Finding someone to mentor you in today’s world is artless. The internet, books, social networking sites, organizations, and schools, or are filled with promising mentors, you just have to pick one! After you’ve connected with your goal model, begin by asking questions and taking good notes! Learning all you can during the time you have access to your goal model is the objective here. 

Bear in mind, they’re helping you because they WANT to see you succeed and, the bragging rights of being able say they had a hand in your attainment doesn’t hurt either! So, now you know where to begin your journey to success. Locate your living success story and follow in his or her footsteps until soon, you’re covering his or her tracks with your own foot prints. Besides, they say imitation IS the sincerest form of flattery, right? Good journey!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Best Piece of Advice #6

Trust the Process!!

This one is simple and one of my favorites! Trusting the process means accepting that whatever you're currently going through will ultimately help to equip you with the necessary skills, abilities, lessons, knowledge, strength, motivation, drive, commitment, staying power, and faith you need to finish your quest. Learning to see things in a positive manner can support your continued strive for that which you seek even when an obstacle lands in your way. Change your mind and you change your outcome.

By trusting the process, you begin to view things in a completely different light; road blocks no longer detour nor hinder you yet, become stepping stones towards your eventual success! Remember, do not become so caught up in crossing the finish line you forget the benefits of the race itself. Trust the process. Good journey!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Best Piece of Advice #5

Real friends hold you down NOT take you down with them!!

If you’ve ever had the pleasure of having REAL friends in your life you know the joys and benefits to having them around, right?  That loving no nonsense, keeps it real, tell-it-like-it-is whether you like it or not, shoulder to cry on when you need it person who supports you isn’t substitutable. Someone to bounce your “big ideas” off of and build you back up if ever they flop. Real friends cultivate real results. They promote positive change, support ideas, tell you the truth about any given situation and NEVER let you leave the house looking like a fashion police’s most wanted list offender. Real friends want to see you succeed AND be a part of that success by any means necessary!!
So, how do you know when you don’t have this kind of circle of friends? Easy! Ever began a day in high spirits only to end up in a group of folks whining and complaining about EVERYTHING and before long, you’re the ring leader of the “my life sucks” group? Better still, ever had someone in your life constantly tell you what you “can’t do” and never what you can? Negativity is contagious!!  

This type of friend can stunt your growth and leave a sour taste in your mouth for friendship at best. Though the intention maybe good the effects of their negativity surly are not!! A person with negative, counterproductive, limiting thoughts, conversations, and behaviors will only bring you crashing to your dream’s knees.  Becoming or staying connected to motivated, positive, good hearted people can get you one or two steps closer to completing your life's goals. It’s good to have a variety of friends however, when you’re on a long journey to accomplishing a mission; you really want good navigators in the car alongside you to see to it you get there!! Good journey!! 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Best Piece of Advice #4

No one knows you’re a fool until you tell them you are!!
Ever met someone at first glance who seemed intelligent, polished, and well put together only to discover when they opened their mouth they contradict everything you once believed to be true of them? Of course you have, we've all had this experience a time or two in our lives.  So, how do we avoid being the person I just spoke of? Easy, YOU are the foremost authority on YOU and what YOU want others think of YOU!
Which means the first impression is yours to create! How do you create a dynamic first impression you might ask?

Start by looking the part! Appearance can be everything! Being well groomed and polished tells others you care about yourself and take pride in what others see in you. When introducing yourself, ask for names and repeat the person’s name back to them. This lets the person know you heard them and can pronounce their name correctly, which gives you a chance to store it in your memory by repeating it out loud (continue to use the person's name throughout the encounter as well to sharpen your recall).
Next, maintain good eye contact. This tells a person you are engaged in the interaction and interested in what they have to say. Following the conversation to the tee while providing appropriate feedback based on what the person said (backtracking – repeating what is said to you the way it’s said let’s someone know you’re listening) not what you think their trying to say. Never assume you know what someone is “trying to say” always assume they’re saying exactly what they want you to hear. Furthermore, speak on topics you are knowledgeable of and comfortable discussing with others. In doing so, you will be confident when exchanging information and your passions and strengths will come shining through.

WARNING: NO BIG SELF-DISCLOSURES! At initial meeting you should not be telling someone your deepest, darkest secrets. Some things greatly impact the way others view you before they ever get to know you. Keep it simple. If you create a great first impression, there will be plenty of time to expand their knowledge of whom you are in the future.
And last but not least, always leave them laughing! A good and appropriate light-hearted joke (something that doesn’t offend the person/persons you are speaking with) can seal any deal in a minute! Everyone loves a good laugh! A great joke says you have a sense of humor, know how to lighten the mood, and most of all when to be yourself!! If you follow these few simple tips, you should nail your first impression . . . the first time!! That way you leave an encounter shining like a prince/princess and not looking like the town fool! Good journey!!

For more How to make a Great First Impression tips visit:

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Best Piece of Advice #3

Have you ever set a boundary only to have someone cross it? Ever drawn a line in the sand to have someone come along and erase it with their foot? You may want to re-evaluate how you are presenting your boundaries. If you are serious, firm, clear, and 100% committed to that thing which has become a boundary in your eyes; making sure others are aware of this is essential!! You have to stand behind the boundary you've set without teetering one way or the other when it’s tested.  Example: A child asks a parent for a cookie, the parent says "No. After you've had a nap” however, the child (boundary: parent wants the respect of following word and instruction from the child) decides to take the cookie anyway. 

When the parent finds out the child did not follow instruction; instead of reinforcing the boundary which was crossed (not accepting parent’s initial response for the child's request) parent says nothing and the child eats the cookie. Do you think the next time the child asks for something and the authority figure says no he or she will go with be accepting of the answer? Probably not; when you are up front and firm about your boundaries the chances are people are less likely to cross them. So, be respectful, fixed, confident, and upfront about things you feel compromise you at your core (which is where our boundaries are formed) so others will know where they stand with you at all times. This makes for more enjoyable social interactions and personal/professional relationship in the future!!

Knowing and setting clear and respectable boundaries will empower you and build your self-confidence in the knowledge that you know what's best for you! Good journey!! 

Best Piece of Advice #2

DO NOT be a spectator in your own life!! 

So many times, people sit on the sideline and watch as life passes them by then spend the rest of it trying to figure out where their lives went. Get in the game!!
If you're spending alot of time trying to figure out what your life's purpose is try doing something YOU'VE NEVER DONE BEFORE!!
If you're interested in working with kids yet never had the opportunity to do so, try volunteering with an organization that services children for starters to see how well you manage. It gives you a chance to try something out for free while gaining free knowledge, skills, and abilities in the process. This is the case for most potential future ventures. Most career fields have volunteer opportunities you just have to give them a jingle to get information on the process. 
Want to design clothes . . . go to your local fabric store (JoAnne Fabrics) and sign up for a sewing class to see if you'll like it!  It is very inexpensive to take a class and discover your hidden talents!
Little step helps to complete the journey!! Don't try to do it all in one day, chunk it down to bite size pieces you can swallow and before you know it; you've eaten a whole meal!!
Don't stand by and let life ceate you!! Get in the game and create the life you want to lead now!!  

Best Piece of Advice #1

Your body is your resume!!

I would love to say our world has evolved to a place where we see beyond someone's physical appearence however, sorry, no cigar!! We still judge, accept, and treat others according to what we see first . . . their visual appearence.  Which is why I say, your body is your resume!! If you take care of your body (i.e., eat right, workout, etc),  present yourself in an aesthetically pleasing manner (clean, well dressed, confident, not a hair out of place) you are more likely to be taken serious and treated with the kind of respect anyone of us should deserve. 

Now, this is not to say you need to conform to the social norms of our society. However, what harm can looking great do to your self-esteem? Besides, you can always go back to slacking off once you've accomplished your goal, right? But something tells me once you've gotten a whiff of the good life (how your treated after the change) you won't bother to look back!! Good journey!!