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Friday, October 10, 2014

Becoming a Published Author: The Writer is by Nature A Dreamer

The Writer is by Nature A Dreamer. - Carson McCullers.
Becoming a published author was the foremost defining moment of my existence thus far and, to be honest, I never imagined that I could do it. At one period I gave up dreaming about it as I didn't see it in my future any longer. I had written several manuscripts, outlined many stories, and recorded most of my thoughts throughout my life in the hopes that they would take shape into more. Yet none of them ever found their way to the publisher's desk. Writer's block, busy schedules, discontent, fear, and that negative little voice in the back of my head shouting "Why write something that nobody will want to take in the first place?" were all things which contributed to my procrastination and/or lack of stick-to-itiveness throughout the procedure. 
As I exercised a lack luster commitment throughout the writing process, it wasn't until I realized that I was cheating myself out of what would ultimately made me happy that I began to pray and ask God, "What is the good in knowing this wonderful information if no one will ever want to read it?" My heart was drowning in disappointment, fear of the unknown, and my own self-imposed fallacies about my ability to bring this collective of life saving principles I had learned together in organization to share them with others who might also need the directions and support during times of uncertainty in life. Writing was my guardian angel, the vehicle whereby I would find peace, tranquility, and the restoration of my staying power to continue pressing on. When the final word was written closing out Best Piece of Advice, my heart felt a sense of relief unlike ever before. The sagacity of completion and accomplishment overwhelmed me.
Nevertheless, that nagging dread “Would anyone read it? Would the message of hope and success concepts transcend the invisible messenger?” the echoing voice in my head on repeat over and over again. “Who are you and why should anyone listen to what you have to say?” Then, just as the moon is overtaken by the light of day, the voice of my creator boldly spoke bringing life to my mission and encouragement to my heart --“They will listen because you were anointed to speak.” With that, I questioned no more yet instead, I picked up my pen and finished my story. I forged forward, and on February 6, 2014, I self-published my first manuscript “Best Piece of Advice, Coaching Your Own Life Workbook.” a day that will live in satisfaction and fulfillment in my heart throughout my lifetime.
I finished what I had started with whopping success! To date, there have been 205 copies of BPA sold on! I have begun using BPA as an empowerment tool to help enlighten, motivate, and assist my clients with creating the life they desire to live with positive results! The message of hope outrivals the messenger when the vessel is called and ordained by God to deliver the directive. When I stepped out of self and no longer made it about me, and whether or not people would or would not receive “my” message, the communication became easier to convey. Sharing these values outlined in BPA was not about me yet it was about sharing the memo of optimism for the potential to live a life of satisfaction, contentment, and joy.

Today I am working on my second edition of Best Piece of Advice entitled, “Hey YOU!” and the
process isn't as taxing as it was in the beginning. I trust the process; set realistically attainable goals, take breaks when necessary, and constantly believe on God for encouragement when needed. I am moving forward in faith one word at a time, until I see the finish line before me. To God is the glory, amen! To each of you I say, don’t give up, keep the faith, and never stop trusting that your dreams can and will come true. Good journey! 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Show Must Go On . . .

Welcome back readers! 

Or maybe the welcome back should be strained to me as I've been the one who has been M.I.A. Anywho, there has been so much going on over the past year: I published my first coaching tool workbook (Best Piece of Advice, Coaching Your Own Life Workbook) in February of this year on, had several book releases and workshops to advance it, and managed to start work on my next workbook entitled "Hey You! It’s Your Life Workbook" due to be finished in the summer of 2015.
Have there been some tests? Yes, of course there have! Life is filled with roadblocks, detours, and challenges. . . It’s supposed to be! How else are we to build strength of character, integrity, and resilience? Nevertheless, I am motivated and determined to keep moving forward until the completion of my journey. Our dreams are our responsibility to make manifest which can only happen through the action we are willing to take to bring those dreams to fruition. Setting goals along with supporting action steps is quickest way to accomplishment. So how do you set goals? Here, let me show you!

Write your goals:
o Be Specific
 Goals need a start date and, preferably, an end date (Goals need to be measurable – how will you know that you have met the goals?)
o Be realistic but challenge yourself
 A goal should be a stretch for you – difficult, but achievable
o Your values need to be reflected in your goal
 If you don’t match your values to the goal, you won’t believe in the goal
2. Develop an action plan Write what you need to do to reach your goals
 Include dates whenever possible to identify when each step of the action plan will be completed
 Include the resources you will need to successfully complete the goal. These might include asking a friend for help, meeting with a teacher, gathering required materials, and setting a timeline so you can complete the goal on time.
3. Reflect on your goal progress:
o Check to see if you are following your timeline – does it need to be adjusted?
o Did you meet – or not meet – your goal?
 What helped you meet your goal? Or what prevented you from meeting your goal?
 What did you learn from setting this goal that will help you next time you set goals?
4. Reward yourself when you complete your goals:
Celebrate your success!!

And there you have it; you’ve finished what you’ve started! No goal is too big or too small to be chunked down into pieces you can swallow if you take the time out to do so. It’s your turn, set some realistic goals for yourself and be sure that you arrive at your dream destination! Good journey!